Environmental Policy

Target Furniture accepts the responsibility for the potentially harmful effects that it's operations have on the local and global environment and is committed to reducing them.

We will continue to measure our impact on the environment, and set targets for ongoing improvement.

The company does and will continue to comply with all relevant environmental legislation.

The company will implement a training programme for it's staff, to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving the company's performance.

We will encourage the adoption of similar principles by our suppliers

Care For The Environment At Target

Raw materials

We ensure that all timber used in our in-house manufacturing processes, is sourced from sustainable and managed sources. Certification of compliance is available on request. When sourcing chair frames in the wider European market, we endeavour to ensure that suppliers can provide similar undertakings.

Fabric quantities used are carefully calculated to minimise excess. To prevent unnecessary wastage, where surplus does exist it is recorded for re-use as an upholstery fabric or as a lining cloth.

Waste Reduction and Disposal

Through efficient management, all material wastage is kept to a minimum. With detailed consideration at the planning stage, material requirements are strictly controlled and opportunities for the recycling of any wastage generated are actioned.

The installation of an Automatic Combustion Unit in our production plant, has ensured a safe, clean and efficient combustion of the wood waste generated on site. Timber wastage is first processed and shredded to size, and sawdust piped directly to the burner. This investment has allowed us to convert our waste to energy, and the burner now provides all necessary heating to this plant. As a result, a substantial reduction in power usage has been achieved.

The effective recycling of wastage in this manner, along with the recycling of all paper and cardboard waste, has virtually removed our need to resort to landfill.

The introduction of two waste compactors has significantly reduced the overall volume of waste generated. It is estimated that we are now producing only 15% of the volume of un-recycled waste, when compared to previous wastage figures.

VOC Emission Control

Regular and strict monitoring of emissions ensures that we maintain levels of control well within the guidelines issued. Our continued utilisation of a regularly reviewed Environmental Management System ensures best practices are maintained, to help minimise the environmental impact of our VOC usage.

The introduction of water-based stains has significantly reduced the level of emission.

We continue to work with our lacquer manufacturer, to further achieve reductions in VOC content.


Suppliers packaging is re-used wherever possible. Overseas suppliers often use cardboard boxes, and these are re-used as packaging where required for shipping purposes, or otherwise sent to a licensed local recycling plant.

Our goods are packaged for transit with a combination of plastic wraps and blankets. These ensure sufficient protection and are entirely recyclable.